As an executive business leader you’re under enormous pressure with the responsibility of driving large scale change at pace. Or perhaps you’re an entrepreneur or small business owner leading a fast-growing business with a focus on growth, teams, capability, products, and revenue.

You’re probably just managing the overwhelm as you juggle EVERY-thing and wear ALL the hats. You want to accelerate your confidence, presence and professional credibility and heighten your personal impact in the new world of work.

You feel a little upside down! Volatile and complex business contexts can be an overwhelming and lonely experience. You may not have the capacity to navigate these demands successfully, for yourself or your teams.

You are optimsitic and ambitious and want to get back to doing the work you love, contributing enormous value and not feeling so out of control.

You’re ready to be remarkable and thrive as a leader, even in demanding situations.


  • Stress and fatigue

  • Feeling stuck and overwhelmed

  • Getting in your own way

  • Busyness creating mediocre work

  • Constant demand and never-ending change


  • Clarity of thought

  • Renewed energy, confidence and courage

  • Raised self-esteem and professional profile

  • A life of possibilities, instead of a series of challenges

  • Accelerated performance and wellbeing

  • Greater ability to focus, listen deeply and stay one step ahead of change

  • Generating extraordinary results for you and your team

  • The income, impact and freedom you deserve

It’s absolutely possible to shift the way you think, feel and behave.

If you’re ready to be fully ‘awake’, accountable and want to shift quickly from agitated to remarkable, read on.


In our Coaching partnership there is no set curriculum or program. You are the curriculum. The content is in you and you can discover, create and thrive.

I’ll create a safe space while you experiment with new approaches to redefine, refresh, renew your-self.

You will draw on your existing skills, heighten your self-awareness and gain new insights by understanding your blind spots and patterns of behaviour. You’ll experiment with practical ‘how to’ techniques to improve your focus, resilience and impact. You’ll learn evidence-based strategies for brain health, wellness and mind-body connection that will catapult your performance into your top 10% range.

Whether it’s for peformance, promotion or profit, my approach helps you:

  • Enjoy a powerful experience of being heard

  • Challenge your limiting self-beliefs

  • Renew your perspectives

  • Challenge long held patterns and shift to new thinking

  • Identify priority areas in your work and life where you most want to see change

  • Dial up your capacity for focus, resilience and impact

  • Generate greater self-awareness and well-being

  • Thrive as a leader with renewed clarity, courage and confidence.


If you’re prepared to do the work, you’ll develop the power to create success on your own terms and change the way you live, work and lead.


Your Executive Coaching Program will typically span a 6-month period, and look something like this:


We'll plan your 10 - 12 personalised sessions over a 6-month period. And we'll stick as closely as possible to a fortnightly rhythm, that serves to counter the gravity of complacency! You'll do some pre-work, before our first session. This can involve reflection, assessing and focusing so we both know where you are at and where you want to get to. A great place to start.


We'll have an initial discussion to get to know each other, confirm your focus and how we'll work together.

We'll agree to proceed and set the wheels in motion to accelerate results.


We’ll typically meet every two weeks, either in person or via Teams/Zoom or Phone.

The program also includes access via email and phone support in-between scheduled sessions.

We can throw in accountability check-in’s if that’s what you need to bolster your progress towards your specific outcomes. And we’ll celebrate your successes along the way.

A three-way can also be arranged.


  • A tailored approach to suit your needs

  • Support and guidance based on a unique combination of deep expertise and years of experience in transformation and change

  • Working with ‘constructive discomfort’, to ensure that you’re reaching your potential

  • Access to the a number of brain based diagnostic tools to help you understand yourself and lead better

  • Original and innovative ideas based on the latest trends, to expand your thinking

 A powerful combination of exceptional coaching blended with commercial astuteness. I’m both strategic and pragmatic, having led teams and functions within large organsiations and having grown my own consulting business from start-up to being acknowledged on the ‘Top 100 Fastest growing companies’ list in Australia.

I toggle easefully between coaching, mentoring, facilitating, training, advising and can discern which mode is needed for greatest impact.

I offer wisdom and deep professional expertise in the change and transformation arena, having worked with many clients from a broad range of industries and change types for over 25 years.

People say my entirely authentic approach is refreshing - no bull, no pretence, no game playing. Simply clear focus on you and helping you unlock your best performance.

~ Max De Pree

“We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.”

- John Maxwell

There is no comfort in the growth zone and no growth in the comfort zone.